Yana Stoencheva
Abstract: The quality of teaching is a complex system for which there isn’t generally accepted single measure. In general, it relates to the characteristics of teaching, research activities, the communication between lecturers and students, the material base and etc. The purpose of the article is to study the level of satisfaction from the quality of teaching of the students from specialty ,,Management of real estate property” at UNWE and also to reveal new opportunities in order to increase the motivation and future success of the students. For the assessment of the satisfaction from the quality of teaching is used a questionnaire, which in a substantive aspect includes standard questions which are used for the measure of the quality of education at UNWE. The results of the study were processed with the statistical product SPSS. In addition to the presentation of the results for each question, the analysis includes a verification for the presence of a relation between some of the observed topics.
Key words: quality of education, specialty, statistical methods
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