Maria Markova

Abstract: The purpose of this report is to define and clarify the nature and main characteristics of the digital real estate offer, to identify the objects of intellectual property in the digital real estate offer and to present the means for their protection through intellectual property rights (IPRs), the identified business problems and the possible solutions for them, as well as offering options for protection in case of infringed rights to intellectual property objects in the digital real estate offer. The conditions of digitalization, incl. and in the real estate business during the review and inspection, the author presents her point of view reading such kind of the IPR problems, without claiming to be exhaustive and to aim a discussion on the IP rights to the specified IP rights in a digital offer of real estate presented by business entities or natural person. The significance and topicality of the considered problem is derived from the current digital conditions of presentation and functioning of business entities, the forms of presentation and sale of their products (goods and services), which in turn raise a number of questions to management, including: - How to present and position your business and how to launch/ present your products - real estate offers in the digital business space; - how to create and manage the use of the proposed offer by users while preventing direct copying/ borrowing of elements of the business offer from unfair disloyal participants in the real estate market. The focus of this paper is to identify the possibilities of the intellectual property system for protection of elements of the business offer and for legal remedies /means of defense the IP rights of the subject-holder in case of identified infringement of IPRs.

Key words: real estate; digital offer; intellectual property.

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