Shtelyan Kalchev

Abstract:In times of a globally changing property market, the need for accurate valuation is increasingly important to the needs of those involved. In recent years, a number of software solutions have been created and deployed in the property market in developed economies brimming with reliable data, changing the operating environment and opening up new ways to achieve old goals. An example of this is traditional property valuation, which is generally a difficult and time-consuming task, produced by a human hand and requiring special knowledge, often subjective and using a small data set compared to digital alternatives. The advent of machine learning and the availability of ever larger volumes of data has given birth to so-called AVMs (Automated Valuation Models). Thanks to them, property valuations are faster, cheaper and often more accurate. The purpose of this article is to bring more clarity to these models, which are widely used abroad, to explore and describe various aspects of their operation, including existing applications (mostly) in the US, to analyze the level of implementation, to attempt a kind of benefit/risk analysis, and to speculate on their future, including whether it is possible for AVMs to replace licensed property appraisers. The object of the study is Automated Valuation Models. The subject of the paper is the current applications of the above models in the work of entities needing regular property appraisals.

Key words:real estate; property valuation; artificial intelligence; automated valuation models; AVMs

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