Boyan Durankev, Kristian Ivanov

Abstract: The Bulgarian urban planning is obeyed to the „free market“ ideology and principles. The nature of a „free market“ philosophy predominantly gives the „private business structures“ unique chance and rights (considering the basic national and local regulation framework as a „minimum“ needed) to choose and decide „where”, „what” and „how” to build and overbuild in the urban area for the sake of their own high profits. This market perspective promises a „freedom“ for thriving private enterprises aggressive i.e. the macromarketing scope of action left with no limits. At the same time, realizing almost complete absence of macromarketing thinking and actions the negative effects are extremely unfavorable to the citizens: poor quality of life, overbuild plots in the way of „crazy” filling in, some difficulties in the supply chains and so on... The key question comes to a simple asking: how the relationship between macromarketing and micromarketing can be improved from „profits“ to „benefits“ to the society.

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