Saad Alanssari, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Emil Papazov

Abstract: The analysis of human resources and investing in their development raises a number of issues of growing importance for management. Internationally, such an problem finds different solutions depending on the specifics of the concrete business environment. This paper focuses on the housing support in Kuwait as a factor of investing in human capital development. For analytical purposes, human capital is understood in a broader sense and is not only related to the employees. People have personal characteristics through which they contribute to the success of an organization. These characteristics may include educational level, skills, experience, creative attitudes, personal characteristics, health status, moral and ethical values, etc. The presented analysis is based on studies conducted over the past five years. The aim is, having in mind the collected and analyzed information, to highlight good practices for supporting the development of human capital through specific decisions in the field of family housing assistance. Such an overall economic policy encourages young people to develop professionally in their own country, while creating families and presenting themselves as individuals in society. The investments made in the development of human capital contribute not only to business organizations, but also to society as a whole. Decisions of this type are not a common practice and are therefore of interest for researchers in this field. The paper outlines not only trends and possibilities for further human capital development, but also links the latter with concrete investment opportunities.

Key words: housing policy; mortgage loans; human capital development; smart cities; Kuwait.

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