Albena Stefanova

Abstract: The article considers the development of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and discusses the features of effective academic courses in English for real estate and facility management in terms of syllabus, curriculum design, authentic materials and key objectives. It examines the possibility to employ an interdisciplinary approach in order to optimize course content and to provide for the balanced development of all components of the functional communicative competence of the students. Honing the knowledge and skills required for successful operation in a professional context is viewed with regard to specialized vocabulary, the specific features of the real estate and facility management subject matter, specialized oral and written communication, awareness of common business correspondence, discourse analysis, strategies for coping with communication problems, etc. In addition and in light of the modern developments in information and communication technologies, effective academic courses for students of real estate and facility management should be designed taking into account the way new generations perceive, communicate and learn as well as by employing the Internet, social media, blogs, e-resources and databases in line with the scientific voices for courses that encourage student engagement and motivation through interaction, exploration, relevancy, multimedia, instruction and authentic assessment (Windham, 2005; Parsons and Taylor, 2011).

Key words: English for Specific Purposes; ESP; academic courses in ESP; English for real estate and facility management

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