Ирена Емилова, Аделина Савова
Abstract: The motives for taking a trip could be numerous, complex and multi-layered. There are different criteria for systematizing the motives for different types of tourism, but we have considered only those directly related to ecological tourism. Studies in this area show that standard tourist services are no longer sufficient. The personalized approach is an expectation, not something exceptional. Tourists appreciate and look for a unique experience that they can get during each trip. Following this need of modern society to satisfy its interest in new experiences and in particular to analyze tourists motives, the aim of this study is to consider those forms of ecological tourism that are directly related to nature, ecology and environmentally friendly visiting and use of natural sites (ornithological tourism, observation and photography of plants, mountaineering, mountain tourism and eco-trails, speleological tourism), to study the motives of tourists to choose one of those specific forms of ecological travel and to analyze their expectations for new experiences.
Key words: motives; new experiences; ecological tourism
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