Димитър Благоев

Abstract: Creating and developing a company is not an easy task. Business is a risky undertaking, but it is the economic initiative that is a factor in the economic growth and prosperity of a society. Innovation and investment in all their forms are the milestone of this business initiative. They are the functional area in the field of industrialconstruction company activity without which no business organization can survive. The interest in these two functional strands by the researchers (both from a scientific point of view and from an applied point of view) is also traditional. Despite the existence of many studies in terms of innovation and investment in company activity, the topic is actual, i.e. in this area the dynamics are great and the changes happen not for years, but even for months. A typical example of this is the intensity of innovation activity in the world's largest companies in the information and communication technology sector, the product renewal of which already occurs several times a year. The purpose of this article is to identify the practice of Bulgarian industrial-construction companies (based on a limited range of researched but completely randomly distributed) in the field of innovation and investment, in several main directions: initiative in the field of intellectual property; types of innovation on which construction companies rely; innovation costs they incurred; efficiency of innovation costs, expressed in increased turnover and profits, etc. It is also interesting to compare the results of the survey with the results of official indices, which are determined at national and general European level. In order to achieve the main objective, the methods of: the survey, the two-dimensional statistical distribution, analysis and synthesis of primary information, comparative analysis, etc. are used.

Key words: Innovation; Investments; Growth; Firm; Construction; Industry.

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